Abhishek  Ranjan

Projects by Abhishek

Travel Buddy

Tech Stacks: HTML, CSS, Javascript, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, ReactJS, Sass, Firebase, JWT authentication.

Developed an app featuring a expense tracker, calculator, currency converter, analog clock with date, random password generator, password manager, and a to-do list with full backend support. Mutli-Utility application that would help others in planning their trips. One of my first projects.

Chattu Chat App

Tech Stacks: MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS, Socket IO.

The app features real-time messaging with group chat capabilities and instant notifications. Implemented secure user authentication, message storage, and retrieval in MongoDB. Utilized Socket.io for seamless real-time communication, ensuring immediate message delivery and updates. The app also includes notification functionality.

Human vs AI Detection

Tech Stacks: Python, BERT Model, PAN 24 Datasets, ACL Datasets, Kaggle Datasets training, ReactJS, Flask, Tensorflow, Kretas.

Crafted a dynamic website leveraging Python, MERN stack, and BERT model for text classification. Distinguishes human from AI-written text in real-time, trained on datasets from Kaggle, PAN 24, and ACL. Published a research paper on it as well.

Event Management

Tech Stacks: C++, OOPS, File I/O, Custom Header Files

Users can create, schedule, and manage events effortlessly, with functionalities for event registration, participant management, and sponsors allocation. Utilized the knowledge of custom header files for keeping code in order and used File I/O as a database for storing local data during the program execution.

Password Manager

Tech Stacks: ReactJS, Firebase

Simple React JS and Firebase application. User authentication is done using sign up from google using firebase, used a database from firestore to store site name, username, and passwords.

Expense Tracker

Tech Stacks: ReactJS, Firebase

Minimalistic app made without using CSS(intentionally) to make it look simple. Made using Firebase and ReactJS for tracking expenses. It is a full stack web application where user can enter his transactions to manage his/her budget and keep a track on his/her expenditure and income.

Todo List

Tech Stacks: MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS

Authentication using JWT token. Used MERN stack to create a simple todo list.

PAN 24 CLEF: CLI Python Program

Tech Stacks: Python, PAN 24 datasets, Tensorflow, Kretas, NLP

Command Line Interface python programme which determines the most probable text generated by AI, from given two texts as per this problem statement. Team project mentored by Dr. Partha Pakray, CSE Dept, NIT Silchar, under the SN Bose Summer Research Internship 2024, and published a research paper under his guidance.